Slick is a performance management platform that combines creativity and productivity to bring out the best synergy among teams. The slick platform is robust and can support any kind of team setup from a team as small as 5 people up to huge companies that run hundreds of teams with thousands of users across multiple continents.
Slick has now developed 2 platforms to fit the needs and mentality of companies that are either following a Corporate or Startup. The dynamics of Slick offers enough flexibility for a transparent, flat-hierarchy that is most known among Startup businesses versus Corporate that has more rigid processes and permission levels in place controlled by a top-down hierarchy. Slick is best for Tech companies and BPOs, but can technically work for any companies who have their employees work with a computer, even on-site factories, and production line workers.
Slick has 4 user access levels - Super Admin, Admin, Supervisor, Employee.
Super Admin is a super-user that has FULL ACCESS (view, add, edit, delete) control of the platform. Super admin is usually the business owner or the person who runs the company. There can be multiple Super Admins but we recommend having as few as possible.
Super admin manages the entire system’s set up for their company. From adding and managing users to generating and conducting evaluations, approving and implementing ideas, generating rewards, badges, metrics, and even setting up their company label (logo and color theme).
Recently we’ve improved the Super Admin’s Performance capability – It can not only generate evaluations, but I can now also provide evaluations to employees assigned under him.
Admin is an employee/user with admin rights. This access level is usually assigned to team Managers or heads.
Admin, being the manager – has the capability to manage (view, add, edit, delete) the users under his department. He can assign supervisors for the employees and group them per department. He can provide evaluations to the supervisors and employees assigned under him. He can also view the evaluation results of all employees assigned to his team via the HRIS > Evaluation tab.
Admin can also, approved, grab, implement, and delete ideas submitted by his team members. He can create and manage rewards catalog, create, and reward badges to his team.
The supervisor is an employee/user that has a view and edit rights to limited features to provide feedback and inputs to the employees under their supervision.
The supervisor can conduct evaluations of the employees under his team. He has view-only access to the KPI metrics, rewards, and Badges. The supervisor can grab the ideas under Pipe.
Employee is a general user that has limited access to the system and cannot access pages or complete actions that need administrative permission.
They have view-only access to KPI Metrics, Performance, rewards, and badges. They can also submit and grab ideas under Pipe.
The URL will be something like /cron/test/{keyword}.
Example is /cron/test/getGenerateProfileSlugs to generate the profile slugs of the users. To know if it’s working, you should be able to see something on the screen like GenerateProfileSlugs {#555}. For error, whoops will be displayed.
Note: Just disregard the prefix get when understanding what it does. Also, some of those will eat a lot of our server resources like the onboarding and offboarding checklist, as well as the metrics-related CRONs.
Note: Only super admin can access to test the CRON.
Slick Admin Console is created to provide easier of the different Slick platforms.
It is a simple tool that shows the lists of the Slick Platforms, the Modules under it, the # of users using the platform, the # of the total session, the subscription plan and the date when it was created.
Under modules, Admin can tick/untick the icons to enable/disable the module display in the platform.
All users will see a profile dropdown menu on the top right corner of their screen where they can edit their profile, see documentation, view the documentation, see the system logs(Superadmin only), System updates, reach out to support, and a button for log out. View public profile is also available for all users except super admin.
Notifications Icon
The bell icon beside the changelogs indicates the notification. All activities involving the user will be shown in this area. By clicking the view more notification, users will be redirected to a page where you can see all notifications and where you can mark all as read.
Notification Page
Profile Dropdown
Edit Profile
Access Level: Super Admin, Admin, Supervisor, Employee
All users can edit their profile by clicking the profile dropdown menu > Edit Profile
Profile Photo – Users can update their profile pictures by clicking the “choose file” button. Image uploaded should not exceed 200KB and should be jpg or png type.
First Name and Last Name – These fields are editable. Users can update their first name and last name.
Email Address and Job title – these fields are not editable and initially set by the Super Admin or the user who imported it.
Password and Confirm Password– These are editable fields where users can change/update their passwords.
Edit Profile
View your Public Profile
Access Level : Admin, Supervisor, Employee
Clicking the “View your Public Profile” opens a new tab where users see their public profile details such as Badges received, Items acquired, and recent ideas submitted.
View Points Balance
Access Level : Super Admin
Point History
View Points Balance feature shows the Current Available Points and the Total Spent Points of the SuperAdmin. It also shows the list of users who received the points, the amount of points, the description and the dates.
Above there’s a message that says ” Strict Mode (ON)” which is configurable in the settings page. If it is ticked, Super Admin cannot spend more than the available points he has, otherwise he can.
See Documentation
Access Level : Super Admin, Admin, Supervisor, Employee
Clicking the “See Documentation” opens a new tab where users see the user guide documentation of slick platform
System Updates
Access Level : Super Admin, Admin, Supervisor, Employee
The icon next to the documentation icon is changelogs. This is where you can see all the updates and the changes done on the platform.
Super admin has the capability to input the latest updates on the “What’s New?” field, and the updates will be shown on the changelogs view of the other users.
Super Admin has the capability to edit/delete the inputted System Updates by clicking the Slick Update – [date] text hyperlink
SuperAdmin_System Updates
Admin, Supervisor and Employee View
Edit System Updates
System Logs
Access Level: Super Admin Only
System logs feature is developed to capture and log every activity done by all users on the platform. It has a filter function that allows users to filter system logs by specific users.
Note: The current implementation only captures the system activities of the Super Admin – other users’ activities are not being captured yet (to be implemented in the future).
Users can reach out to our support team by clicking the support found in the profile dropdown menu. It redirects to a form where a user can fill in the following informations:
Operating System
Error Description
Steps to reproduce.
Note: Users can file a report on behalf of other users by simply filling in the Name and the Email of the other user.
All users or employees are managed through this page. This is where you can create new users or import new users in bulk, information about each employee, enable/disable their accounts, and modify the job description of each employee.
Both Super admin and admin have access to the user’s page. The only difference between the 2 users is the super admin has full access control. It has the added capability to import bulk users by using the import function and assign Admin/Manager to users.
Super admin View – Users
Admin View – Users
User’s Page features
Search and Filter function – Search and Filters are implemented to help the super admin and admin perform quick searches of users. The filter function allows the super admin and admin filter users by department, employment status, and/or Active/inactive status.
Assigning of Supervisor by Bulk – This feature allows the super admin or admin the capability to assign a single supervisor to multiple users.
+ New User button – Super admin and admin can add a new user through the “+ New User” button. Required fields should be filled to successfully save the newly added user.
First Name and Last Name fields are both required.
Email address is also a required field and should be a valid email address.
Job Title field is optional and can be left as blank.
Company Department is a non-required field but is an important field to fill, users are usually categorized by departments.
Role of each user should be defined – Super Admin, Administrator, Supervisor, employee
Employment Status may be listed as Regular, Probationary, Outsourced or fixed-term.
Newly added users should receive a welcome email to their registered email address.
Export Users button – Super admin and admin can export all users or specific users by using the filter functions shown on the pop-up window.
Export filter by Users
Export filter by Employment Status
Export filter by Active/Inactive Status
Export by Department
** When all filter categories are filled, the system checks the data as <AND>, so if the data provided does not meet all the categories, then it will export an empty sheet.
Import Users button – SUPER ADMIN ACCESS ONLY – The import functionality is available for the Super Admin ONLY that enables the mass import of Users. See “How to Import” instruction below
Invite Users – Super Admin and Admin now have the ability to invite one or multiple users by simply inputting their email addresses and separate each email address with a comma.
Invited users will receive an email from the system where they can set their user profile and password so they can start accessing the platform. Invited users are defaulted to employees and regular employees.
Invalid email addresses will be skipped and won’t be added.
Invite Users
Pending Invites – This page shows all the pending invites where user can resend the invites.
Pending Invites Page
Edit Users Information – To edit the user’s information, click the “Action icon” and select Edit. Clicking save will update the user’s information in real-time.
Disable/Enable Users – Enabled employees are displayed under “Active” Users Status, disabled users are moved to “Inactive” users. – Once a user is disabled, he/she would not be able to log in again to the system. – Disabled users can be re-enabled by the super admin and admin, and that gives them access to the platform again.
Delete Users – Users that are no longer connected to the company, should have their access revoked. To do so, account deletion should be done.
Assigning Admin/Manager – Assigning of Admin to specific users is allowed by clicking the “+Add” button under the “Admin/Manager” column.
Assigning Supervisor – Assigning a Supervisor to specific users is allowed by clicking the “+Add” button under the “Supervisor” column.
Adding job Description – The job description of each employee should be kept up to date in the system as this will be used during evaluations. – Job Title and Job Summary should be filled with the corresponding job description per role and position – Key Responsibilities can be added by clicking the “+add” button below the Summary field – Job descriptions can be downloaded as a PDF file.
Job Description Page
Award Points – Super admin and admin can manually award points to employees by clicking the “Give Points” under the Action column.
Give Points
Resend Welcome Email – One of the newest added features for users is the capability to resend welcome emails. There are times that the email sent to newly created user(s) gets lost, and with this new feature, it’ll be easier to resend an email for user verification
Resend email invites
How to import Users:
To import a User or Users to the platform, a template in CSV format is provided and can be downloaded when you tick the “Import” button, You can download the template here. in the Users Page.
The downloaded CSV file requires each field to be correctly filled out for successful import. Superadmin can import between 1 – 999 users. Please NOTE that only New Users import is allowed. The system validations for existing/new users is through their email addresses. The updating of existing users is still out of scope.
Exported CSV File
Import User Fields:
First Name – This is a required field – The first name should not be empty, or the import user will not be successful.
Last Name: This is also a required field – The last name should not be empty, or the import user will not be successful.
Email: This field shouldn’t be empty, and should consist of a unique email address. The system validates the email address if the user you’re trying to import already exists in the system – if yes, then it will skip the user and proceed to the next user validation.
Employment Status: It’s a required field wherein you identify the user’s employment status, either regular, probationary, outsource, or fixed-term.
Role: It’s a required field wherein you need to input the user’s role whether it’s Admin, Supervisor or an Employee.
Position: You can identify the user’s position or leave it as is (Job Title).
Department: You can either input the user’s department (make sure it is an existing department) or you can leave the text as is “Department Name”. You can also import multiple departments and separate each with a comma.
Supervisor: This is where you can input the user’s supervisor name (make sure it is an existing supervisor and the name is correctly inputted), or you can leave the text as is “Supervisor Full Name”.
Responsibilities: SuperAdmin can now add the job description responsibilities of the user by simply adding it to the sheet and use && for the next responsibility.
Once all fields are correctly filled out – you can now upload the CSV file and click the import button to successfully import your users. Successfully imported users should be shown on the users’ list and users should receive a welcome email to their registered email addresses.
This page is where the super admin or the admin manages the complete 201 files of all employees registered under their supervision. Managers have access to all the documents of each employee starting from their onboarding up until the offboarding.
HRIS Features
Employee details overview Page – Navigating to HRIS menu opens up a page where you can see the overview of all employee’s details including the following:
Profile photo
Employee’s name
Employment type
Email address
Contact number
Date hired
Employee’s checklists
Shows legend for checklists
A green check means done.
Gray check means not yet.
Search and Filter – Managers have the capability to search and filter the user’s information using the Filter and the Search function. – SuperAdmin or Admin can do quick search using the employee’s name or email address – Filtering can be done by employment status (Active and Inactive) according to employment type (Regular, Probationary, Outsourced, Interns, and Retainers).
Export Function – This function allows the export of HRIS data according to Active or Inactive user status and employment status
Export Waiver
Exported HRIS data
View Details button – Employee Summary Page – Clicking the “View Details” button opens up a page where more details of employees are shown: This page shows more details about the employee (personal information, government information, evaluation, disciplinary records, contracts, waiver, onboarding, leaves, and offboarding).
Employee Summary: Can update employee’s personal and government details:
First and Last name.
Email address
Contact Number
Date of Birth
Date Hired
Employment Type (Regular, Probationary, Outsourced, Intern, Retainer).
Government Information such as SSS, Pag-ibig, Philhealth, TIN
Can attach employee’s documents/files such as:
Certificate of Employment (COE)
Certificate of Compensation Payment or Income Tax Withheld (2316)
Birth Certificate (NSO)
Government IDs
National Bureau of Investigation Certificate
Curriculum Vitae (Resume)
Medical Exam Results
HRIS_Employee Summary
EvaluationPage is where you can download and view feedback of the evaluators.
Evaluation Page
Disciplinary Page is where you can upload documents and reports for any of the following:
Resignation Letter
Termination Letter
Notice to Explain (NTE)
Contracts Page can upload employee’s contract information:
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
Employment Contract
Salary Adjustment
Job Description
Waiver Page is where you can upload employee’s waivers for any company or project activities.
Onboarding Page – this is where you input all the onboarding checklist for employees and check each item that is being accomplished. This way it will be easier to track the onboarding progress. The super admin/admin has the capabilities to add, delete items on the list.
Offboarding Page: When an employee resigns, he should undergo a clearance process or offboarding to make sure that he transition all his assignment to another employee. This page is where you can add and delete offboarding checklist to avoid missing important steps in letting go and employee.
Metrics page displays the Company’s Performance Metrics in a 4-week preview consisting of positive, negative, and overall performance. This is where super admin and admin can add, edit and disable KPI metrics, assign KPIs to any number of employees, track KPI history, and import and export KPI Metrics data.
SuperAdmin and Admin view of Metrics
Supervisors and Employees ONLY have the viewing capability of the KPI metrics assigned to them.
Supervisor and Employee View
Metrics Features
Dynamic Filter – Dynamic filter is available for easier viewing. User can filter using KPI types, Department, Status, Employees and calendar filter.
+ New KPI Type – To add a new KPI type, click the “+Add New KPI Type” button. It opens a new window where the KPI Type Name and Department fields are required. – When no Department is available, the Super admin should create a new department first under Settings Menu prior to successfully creating a new KPI.
Access Level: SuperAdmin, Admin
Add KPI with Existing Department
Add KPI with no existing department
**When a department is deleted, the existing KPIs attached to it also get deleted.
Edit KPI Type – Beside the KPI type name, there’s the edit icon in where user can edit the KPI type name and the selected Department.
Access Level: SuperAdmin, Admin
Delete KPI Type – Deleting a KPI Type will delete all the KPIs created under it and can’t be reverted.
Access Level: SuperAdmin ONLY
Add New KPI under a KPI Type – + button is available under a KPI Type to add a KPI for specific employees under the selected department of the KPI type.
Access Level: SuperAdmin, Admin
KPI Name: this is a required field. Any value can be used in this field.
Assign To: This is a dropdown list of all employees under the selected department of the KPI Type.
Have Default BenchMark? : It’s a yes or no field where the default KPI benchmark can be defined. If Yes is selected, a BenchMark field will show.
Unit of Measurement: This is an optional field. The unit of measurement for a KPI can be express in seconds (s), percentage (%), currency ($) and etc.
Type of Measurement: Can choose between increase or decrease value.
Fill-in Schedule: Value can be monthly or weekly
Team or Project: This is an optional field
Edit KPI under a KPI Type – Clicking on the KPI names opens a dialog window where the user can edit the existing data of the KPI.
Access Level: SuperAdmin, Admin
View Metric History – Clicking the KPI name opens a dialog box, at the bottom part of the dialog, shows a hyperlink to View Metric History. Clicking the link opens a new tab where all KPI metrics history is displayed.
Access Level: SuperAdmin, Admin
Disable KPI – Disabled KPI Metric will show under “Inactive” Filter. To disable a metric, simply click the KPI name and scroll down at the bottom of the dialog box where “disable” link is available.
Access Level: SuperAdmin, Admin
Disable KPI
Input KPI Metric Value – Super Admin and Admin can input the metric value of the KPI in the column of the specified fill-in schedule – The KPI schedule creates a new row automatically within 15 minutes after the previous KPI metrics schedule is done. Can be weekly or monthly.
The KPI Metrics schedule is dependent on the server time which follows the GMT+8 Asia/Hongkong timezone.
The thumb icons, whether it’s up/down is being based and generated after the first 3 KPI Metrics score.
Access Level: SuperAdmin, Admin
Metric Value
Export Metrics – Super admin and admin can export one or more KPI metrics by clicking the “Export” button on the upper-right of the Metrics page. – Metrics to be exported can be filtered by KPI types, status, employee name, and calendar date range.
Access Level: SuperAdmin, Admin,
Metrics – Downloaded CSV File
Import KPI Metrics
User Level Access: SuperAdmin and Admin
To import KPI Metrics, you should download the provided template that can be found in the “Metrics” page > Import button > Download the template here.
The KPI Metrics import pop-up windows shows the instructions on how to import metrics, and must be followed to successfully do so.
Important Notes: Only importing new KPI is supported. Updating of KPI’s are out of scope yet. If existing KPI is imported, the system will skip the process and proceed to the next item in the CSV file. KPI type ID and KPI Type should also be pre-existing when uploading a KPI. Uploading a new KPI Type ID and KPI Type will display an error.
All cells are required to be filled except for the “KPI ID” and the “Period (number)”.
KPI Type ID: This is an auto-generated number when you export the existing KPI and or download the CSV format. This shouldn’t be edited.
KPI Type: KPI Type should also be existing in the system. Editing this field or entering a new KPI type is still out of scope.
KPI ID: KPI ID can be left as blank, the system will auto-generate the KPI ID once the file is imported.
KPI Name: KPI name should be new and unique. Since the system does not support updating yet, when the entered KPI name already exists, the system will skip the item in the file.
Employee Email: This should contain the email address of the user identified under the responsible column. It should be pre-existing in the system.
Responsible: Employee name should be existing and correctly entered.
Team: You can either identify your team here or leave it as blank
Expected Performance: Should identify whether the performance is positive (w) increase or negative (w) decrease.
Period [number]: this is not a required field – you can either leave it as blank or enter a value.
Once all fields are already filled correctly, upload the CSV file and click import to successfully import new KPIs.
Understanding Metrics Rules
User Access Levels: Super admin and admin
In every created KPI Type, there should be a corresponding department assigned. This means that this KPI can be applied to everyone that is under on the selected department.
Super Admin and/or admin can create multiple KPIs under a created KPI Type. Each KPIs can have multiple Periods or also known as schedules, which contains the KPI Metrics scores.
Setting a Permanent Benchmark on the create KPI means the KPI metrics scores is fixed. The metric score is automatically computed on the backend after 3 completed schedules/period.